Immersions - Baptisms

Immersions - Baptisms

■□ Ephesians 4:5 “immersion”, i.e. “engross”, “embroil”, “engulf”, “absorb”, “wrap oneself into/with something”, that's has a recipient of what one is being immersed into, [a recipient of such an action] e.g. waters, a TV Show, etc. -- Cp. Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Ephesians 4:5, i.e. get into it (embroil / absorb yourself into): The Word, The Faith, The Scriptures, The Father, The Son, Etc. 

There may be a relation to baths ("waters") for Acts 2:38; See Matthew 3:11, “…He will Immerse you in The Spirit of Holiness, and in The Fire.”; Mark 1:8, “I immerse you in the waters, but, He will immerse you in The Spirit of Holiness!”; Luke 3:16, “John answered and said unto them, “Behold, I Immerse you in the waters, but, He who comes after me, that One who is mightier than me, that One whom I’m not worthy that I should loosen the leather straps of His sandals, He will Immerse you in The Spirit of Holiness, and in The Fire!”; Acts 1:5, “that, John had Immersed in water, and you will be Immersed in The Spirit of Holiness, after not many days.” – (Re-Iterated in Acts 11:16.)

There are cases where people in some areas that were / are immersed / baptized into / with "Calamity".

Mark 10:37-40

Immersion Into Calamity

37. They said to him, “Grant to us that one sit at your right and one at your left in your glory.”

38. But he said to them, “You do not realize what you are asking! Are you able to drink from the Cup that I drink from, and be immersed with the same immersion that I am immersed with?”

39. They said to him, “We are able!” Yeshua said to them, “The Cup that I drink, you will drink. And the immersion which I am immersed, you will be immersed.

40. But that you may sit at my right and at my left it is not mine to give, except to those for whom it is prepared.”


And I have an immersion to be immersed with, and I am greatly afflicted until it is fulfilled. – Luke 12:50

#Mark10 #Luke12_50 #Immersion #Immerse #Baptize #Baptism into #Calamity

Matthew 28:18-20


more so than the word "immerse" as used in this passage.

Matthew 28:18. And Yeshua' drew near and spoke with them and said to them, “All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth. And as my Father has sent me, I send you. 19. Go therefore,{298} [and] disciple all the nations and immerse them in the name(SINGULAR){299} of the Father and of the Son and of the Spirit Of Holiness. 20. And teach them to keep all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world.{300} Amen.”

✏Textual Notes✏:

{298} The Shem Tob Hebrew has only “Go” in verse 19. The page which would have contained this passage is one of many pages missing from both Old Syriac Aramaic texts. However all of verse 19 is present in the DuTillet and Munster Hebrew versions as well as the Peshitta Aramaic.

{299} Aramaic hasshêm”, (“name”) – SINGULAR – which does not support the traditional Western World trinity theology version that came Centuries later, which is just another corruption of the Qnoma⁵ (because a fluke in the Greek traditions) and a transposed/inverted version of the much earlier Eastern World version. “Ruach haKodesh”⁶ (“Spirit Of Holiness” / “Set-Apart Spirit”) is a shêm”, (“title”) for YHWH, see Isaiah 63:1-11; Psalm 51:1-11. The Son has his Father’s “Name” within him and the Father keeps His people in His “Name”; John 17:11. 

As a result, imagine three branches of the same tree rather than three separate trees. Each branch is united by the Name/Title of the One Divine Personality that is YHWH Elohim. This linkage is established in Exodus 23:20-22 where a Messenger, unlike any other “angel” can forgive sin because YHWH says, “for My ‘Name’ is in Him”. All other “angels” have “êL” at the end of their ‘name’, but Yeshua’s ‘Name’ is above the angels, hence Yah/YHWH is in Yeshua’s ‘name’ (Matthew 1:21, Hebrews 1:1-5), like “rock” is in the 'name' of “Cliff” (this is because of the ‘Character Description, and / or what the name means). Nazarenes have from the very beginning taught salvation in the ‘Name’ of YHWH.

{300} Or end of the age, as Aramaic “alma” means both. The exact meanings apply to the Greek word “aion” used here, making this one of the few times where an original Aramaic word is perfectly matched with the Greek.

Further Notes:

⁵ There are a number of so-called “trinity” versions across this large World for the past 2,600 years or so, but in regards to “labels” that are used for qnomic manifestations, ALL Western World versions, “trinitarian”, “oneness”, “unitarian”, etc. are deemed as CORRUPTIONS OF THE QNOMA. I do not tag myself with any of those labels, and definitely not the Western World versions, but believe in the Qnoma.(Plural: “Qnumeh”).

⁶ The Aramaic term “rukha d’qudsha” (“Spirit of Holiness”) is the cognate for the Hebrew “Ruach haKodesh” (“Spirit the Holy”).